2007 International Conference on Policy and Laws of Asia and WTO Rules and Practices of Dispute Settlement Mechanism

(Tentative Agenda)

11 March 2007

Host Institute: Asian Center for WTO and International Health Law and Policy, NTU College of Law

Asian Center for WTO and International Health Law and Policy, NTU College of Law (ACWH) will host the Asian Regional Round of the WTO Moot Court Competition on WTO Law from 8 to 10 March 2007 to be held in Taipei. University teams from some Asian WTO Member countries will participate in the competition. As there will be a number of prominent scholars serving as the moot court judges, as well as law students interested in WTO law (or more generally, in international law) and their coaches, we thought that it would be a good opportunity for the judges and coaches to engage in intellectual exchange on WTO issues not directly related to the topic of the competition. The exchanges will further allow the participants of the moot court competition to explore the fascinating world of WTO Law and policy issues as well as, participate in substantive discussions. We therefore propose to hold this conference to be held immediately after the dates of the competition.

11 March 2007 (Sunday)


Welcome Remark

Chang-fa Lo, Professor, National Taiwan University


Keynote Speech:

Professor Donald McRae, The Effectiveness of WTO Dispute Settlement


Session I  WTO Jurisprudence

Dr. Tania Voon, Appellate Body Report on US Measures Relating to Zeroing and Sunset Reviews

Professor Tsai-yu Lin, Remedies for Prohibited Export Subsidies under Article 4 of SCM Agreement: Some Observations from A Dispute Settlement Procedural Sense




Special Speech:

Professor Letizia Laschella-Sergi, WTO Moot Court and Legal Education


(including a 10 minutes break)

Session II  WTO Negotiations from Asian and Other Regional Perspective

Mr. David Evans, The DSU: Notes from a Small Island

Professor Shin-yi Peng, How Much Time Is Reasonable? --The Arbitral Decisions under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU

Professor Pei-kan Yang, Some reflections on monetary compensation as an alternative remedy in the WTO dispute settlement


Students’ Forum

Sameer Jain, Distributive Justice Under WTO Regime: A Changing Paradigm

I-che Hsieh, The Regulatory Model of Trade and Environment in NAFTA: An Inspiration to Taiwan

Feng-jen Tsai, The impact of globalization on patent law policy--focus on public health issue

Yung-huei Chang, The interface between TRIPS, CBD, and GPRFA on biodiversity issues


Concluding Remarks