CAAJ Vol. 6.1


Relations and Possible Interactions Between State-State Dispute Settlement and Investor-State Arbitration under BITs

Chang-fa Lo    [Abstract]  [SSRN]

The Enforcement of ICSID Awards in the People's Republic of China

Julian Ku    [Abstract]  [SSRN]

Proper Interpretation of Corporate Nationality under International Investment Law to Prevent Treaty Shopping

Xioa-jing Zhang    [Abstract]  [SSRN]

Determining Damages in ICSID Arbitration: A Problem of Uncertainty

Alex Lo    [Abstract]  [SSRN]

Student Notes

Is CIETAC Breaking Apart? An Analysis of the Split in the CIETAC System

Chen Meng    [Abstract]  [SSRN]

The Rule of Competence-Competence: A Comparative Analysis of Indian and English Law

Vaishnavi Chillakuru    [Abstract]  [SSRN]