• 2014 Taipei International Conference on Arbitration and Mediation

2014 Taipei International Conference on Arbitration and Mediation 


Ms. Mary Thomson, Prof. Renato Nazzini, Prof. Joanna Jemielniak, Dr. Stephan Wilske, Ms. Annette Magnusson, Mr. Robert Horne, Pro. Tsai-yu Lin (林彩瑜), Prof. Chi-Chung Kao (高啟中), Mr. Alex Lo (羅威遠), Mr. Ray Yu-jui Chang (張育叡), Mr. Cheng-kai Wang (王政凱), Mr. Lars Markert, Prof. Yoshihiro Yamada, Ms. Christa Wei Chen (陳薇), Prof. Joseph Lee, Dr. Fuyong Chen (陳福勇), Prof. Louise Parsons, Mr. Jack Leonard, Prof. Dai Yokomizo, Prof. Chang-fa Lo (羅昌發), Prof. Winnie Ma (馬若梅), Prof. Nadja Alexander


Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei (CAA)

Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy, College of Law, National Taiwan University (ACWH)

Chinese Taipei APEC Engineer Monitoring Committee


August 30-31, 2014


Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei Conference Room