2014 International Conference on Tobacco Control: Current Status and Future Prospect
2014國際菸害防制推動與展望研討會」於103年10月23日(四)及24日(五)盛大展開兩天之專題演講活動,由衛生福利部國民健康署為主辦單位,社團法人台灣醫務管理學會、臺灣大學法律學院亞洲WTO暨國際衛生法與政策研究中心及臺灣醫界菸害防制聯盟共同承辦。本年大會隆重邀請國內、外菸害相關領域之重要專家學者進行演講與經驗分享,包含全球無菸健康照護服務網絡(ENSH-Global network for tobacco free health care services, ENSH)代表及國際金獎醫院,並集合美國、日本、澳洲、比利時、FCA等國家與組織菸害防制專家學者蒞臨指導。今年大會將辦理專題演講、論壇及海報展覽,使國內、外專家學者與無菸環境推動相關人員共襄盛舉與經驗交流,共同促進國際菸害防制政策之推動與發展。
Date:Thursday, October 23, 2014
Venue:The Evergreen International Convention Center, Chang Yung-Fa Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan (Room 1101)
Organizer:Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare
Co-organizer:Taiwan College of Healthcare Executive
Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy, National Taiwan University
Taiwan Medical Alliance for the Control of Tobacco
Time時間 |
Topic主題 |
Speakers講者 |
Moderator主持人 |
08:40-09:10 |
Registration 報到 |
09:10-09:40 |
Opening Remarks & Group Photos 開幕致詞與拍團體照 |
09:40-10:20 |
Award Ceremony 無菸醫院績優醫療院所頒獎典禮 |
10:20-10:50 |
專題演講一 Keynote Speech(1) Tobacco End-Game: Approaches and Strategies. 終結菸害之方法及策略
Dr. Yumiko Mochizuki, Division Chief, Tobacco Policy Research Division at Center for Cancer Control and Information Services, National Cancer Center, Japan 日本國家癌症研究所癌症控制與信息中心菸品政策與研究小組主任Yumiko Mochizuki博士(曾任WHO TFI Director) |
Dr. Shih-Tzu Tsai, President, Taiwan Medical Alliance for the Control of Tobacco 台灣醫界菸害防制聯盟理事長 蔡世滋醫師 |
10:50-11:10 |
Break 休息 |
11:10-11:40 |
專題演講二 Keynote Speech(2) Achievement and Prospect of Tobacco Control Experience in U.S. 美國菸害防制成果與未來展望 |
Prof. Theodore R. Holford, Susan Dwight Bliss Professor of Public Health(Biostatistics), Yale School of Public Health 耶魯大學公共衛生學院生物統計學教授Theodore R. Holford博士 |
Dr. Shih-Tzu Tsai, President, Taiwan Medical Alliance for the Control of Tobacco 台灣醫界菸害防制聯盟理事長 蔡世滋醫師 |
11:40-12:00 |
專題演講三 Keynote Speech(3) The Current Status and Future Prospect of Tobacco Control in Taiwan 臺灣菸害防制推動現況與展望 |
Ms. Ann Tzung-Yee Feng, Division Director, Health Education and Tobacco Control Division, Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan 國民健康署健康教育及菸害防制組馮宗蟻組長 |
12:00-13:20 |
Lunch 午餐 |
Time時間 |
Topic主題 |
Speakers講者 |
Moderator主持人 |
13:20-13:50 |
專題演講四 Keynote Speech(4) Monitoring and Implementation of the FCTC: A Reform Agenda. FCTC的監控與執行:改革之議程 |
Prof. Allyn Taylor, Affiliate Professor of law, University of Washington, United States 美國華盛頓大學法學院教授Allyn Taylor博士 |
Prof. Chang-fa Lo, Constitutional Court, Justice, Taiwan, ROC 中華民國司法院大法官羅昌發教授 |
Session 1:WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control : New Development and Related Issues 「世界衛生組織」《菸草控制框架公約》之最新發展及相關議題 |
Topic 1: Tobacco Taxes and Overall Challenges for a Tobacco Free Society 菸稅及無菸社會之整體挑戰 |
Prof. Chang-fa Lo, Constitutional Court, Justice, Taiwan, ROC 中華民國司法院大法官羅昌發教授 |
13:50-14:10 |
Tobacco tax policy in a globalized world: challenges and opportunities. 菸稅政策於全球化世界之機遇與挑戰 |
Dr. Evan Blecher, PhD, Economist and a Director in the International Tobacco Control Research Program, American Cancer Society, U.S.A 美國癌症協會國際菸害防制研究小組主任Evan Blecher博士 |
14:10-14:30 |
Taiwan's Tobacco Tax in Comparative Perspective 台灣菸稅制度 |
Dr. Chi Chung, Assistant Research Professor, Academic Sinica, Taiwan 中研院法律所鍾騏助研究員 |
14:30-14:50 |
Challenges and lessons of making tobacco free society in Taiwan. 台灣發展無菸社會之經驗與挑戰 |
Prof. Feng-Jen Tsai, Assistant Professor, Master Program in Global Health and Development, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan 台北醫學大學全球衛生暨發展碩士學位學程蔡奉真助理教授 |
14:50-15:10 |
Discussion 討論 |
15:10-15:30 |
Break 休息 |
Time時間 |
Topic主題 |
Speakers講者 |
Moderator主持人 |
Topic 2: Electronic Cigarettes and Possible International Regulations. 電子煙之發展及其可能之國際規範 |
Prof. Chang-fa Lo, Constitutional Court, Justice, Taiwan, ROC 中華民國司法院大法官羅昌發教授 |
15:30-15:50 |
E-cigarettes: Tobacco control regulation challenges. 電子煙對於菸害防制之挑戰 |
Dr. Becky Freeman, Lecturer, School of Public Health, Sydney Medical School, the University of Sydney, Australia 雪梨大學公共衛生學院講師Becky Freeman博士 |
15:50-16:10 |
Electronic Cigarettes: Public Health Concerns and Regulatory Issues. 電子煙對於公共衛生之疑慮以及其管制上之爭議 |
Dr. Chuan-Feng Wu, Associate Research Professor, Academic Sinica, Taiwan. 中研院法律所吳全峰副研究員 |
16:10-16:20 |
Discussion 討論 |
Topic 3: Strengthening the Implementation of the WHO FCTC and its Relationship with Other International Regimes. 執行WHO FCTC之規範以及其與其他國際規範之關係 |
Prof. Chang-fa Lo, Constitutional Court, Justice, Taiwan, ROC 中華民國司法院大法官羅昌發教授 |
16:20-16:40 |
International trade and investment law meets tobacco control. 菸害防制措施與國際貿易及投資法之關係 |
Prof. Tania Voon, Professor at Melbourne Law School, The University of Melbourne, Australia 墨爾本大學法學院Tania Voon教授 |
16:40-17:00 |
Tobacco Control in New-Generation Free Trade Agreements. 新世代自由貿易協定對於菸品管控之規範 |
Prof. Pei-kan Yang Associate Professor, Department of International Business, National Cheng-Chi University, Taiwan 政治大學國際貿易所楊培侃副教授 |
17:00-17:10 |
Discussion 討論 |
18:00-20:00 |
Welcome reception歡迎晚宴 |
Date:Friday, October 24, 2014
Venue:The Evergreen International Convention Center, Chang Yung-Fa Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan (Room 1101)
Time時間 |
Topic主題 |
Speakers講者 |
Moderator主持人 |
09:00-09:30 |
Registration 報到 |
09:30-09:50 |
專題演講五 Keynote Speech(5) Score Card program for Tobacco Control, and Tobacco Control among EU countries. 以歐盟評分卡(Scorecard)評估歐盟各國菸害政策 |
Mr. Luk Joossens, Tobacco Control Officer, Association of European Cancer Leagues. 歐洲癌症聯盟菸害防制官員 Luk Joossens先生 |
Dr. Shih-Tzu Tsai, President, Taiwan Medical Alliance for the Control of Tobacco 台灣醫界菸害防制聯盟理事長 蔡世滋醫師 |
0950-10:00 |
Discussion 討論 |
Session 2:Score Card program for tobacco control among EU countries and Illicit tobacco trade. 以歐盟評分卡(Scorecard)評估各國菸害政策及探討非法菸品貿易 |
10:00-10:30 |
Implications for Taiwan from U.S. Tobacco Control Experience. 從美國菸害防制的經驗給台灣啟示 |
Prof. Theodore R. Holford, Susan Dwight Bliss Professor of Public Health(Biostatistics), Yale School of Public Health 耶魯大學公共衛生學院生物統計學教授Theodore R. Holford博士 |
Chi Pang Wen, M.D. Professor, National Health Research Institute Founding father, Taiwan Medical Alliance for the Control of Tobacco 國家衛生研究院溫啟邦名譽教授 台灣醫界菸害防制聯盟發起人 |
10:30-10:40 |
Discussion 討論 |
10:30-11:00 |
Break 休息 |
Time時間 |
Topic主題 |
Speakers講者 |
Moderator主持人 |
11:00-11:20 |
Strategy & Achievement of FCA(The Framework Convention Alliance for Tobacco Control), and significant activities at COP 6. 世界衛生組織菸草框架公約(FCTC)下之民間團體聯盟(FCA)之策略行動及成果 |
Dr. Ulysses Dorotheo, Chairman, Board of Directors of FCA, representing WPRO (WHO Western Pacific Region with 37 countries) 框架公約民間團體聯盟董事會主席Ulysses Dorotheo醫師 |
Chi Pang Wen, M.D. Professor, National Health Research Institute Founding father, Taiwan Medical Alliance for the Control of Tobacco 國家衛生研究院溫啟邦名譽教授 台灣醫界菸害防制聯盟發起人 |
11:20-11:30 |
Discussion 討論 |
11:30-11:50 |
Illicit Tobacco Trade. 菸品走私與非法貿易 |
Mr. Luk Joossens, Tobacco Control Officer, Association of European Cancer Leagues. 歐洲癌症聯盟菸害防制官員Luk Joossens先生 |
11:50-12:00 |
Discussion 討論 |
12:00-13:30 |
Lunch 午餐 |
Session3: Innovation and challenge of the tobacco-free hospital. 無菸醫院推動之創新與挑戰 |
13:30-14:10 |
1. The growing trend and future prospect of the ENSH. 全球無菸醫院網絡之發展趨勢與未來展望 2. Innovation and challenge of a tobacco-free hospital: the experience of Germany. 國際金獎無菸醫院經驗分享-以德國為例 |
Ms. Christa Rustler, Lead of ENSH GOLD Forum; Director of Health Care Plus, Germany /ENSH Germany ENSH金獎典禮主席Christa Rustler女士 |
Dr. Chi-Hua Yen, Director, Department of Family Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital, Taiwan 中山醫學大學附設醫院家庭醫學科顏啟華主任 |
14:10-14:30 |
Innovation and challenge of a tobacco-free hospital: the experience of Spain. 國際金獎無菸醫院經驗分享-以西班牙為例 |
Dr. Manel Santiñà, Chairman, HPH-Catalunya; Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, Spain 西班牙加泰隆尼亞健康促進醫院網絡理事長暨Hospital Clinic of Barcelona代表Manel Santiñà |
14:30-15:00 |
Break & Post Exhibition 休息暨海報展覽 |
Time時間 |
Topic主題 |
Speakers講者 |
Moderator主持人 |
15:00-15:15 |
Innovation and challenge of a tobacco-free hospital: the experience of Jianan Psychiatric Center, Ministry of Health and Welfare. 國際金獎無菸醫院經驗分享-以衛生福利部嘉南療養院為例 |
Dr. Tso-Jen Wang, Vice superintendent, Department of Nursing, Jian Nan Mental hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan 衛生福利部嘉南療養院王作仁副院長 |
Dr. Chi-Hua Yen, Director, Department of Family Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital, Taiwan 中山醫學大學附設醫院家庭醫學科顏啟華主任 |
15:15-15:30 |
Innovation and challenge of a tobacco-free hospital: the experience of Adventist Hospital. 國際金獎無菸醫院經驗分享-以臺安醫院為例 |
Dr. Shian-Lin Wu, Doctor, Department of Chest Medical, Adventist Hospital, Taiwan 臺安醫院胸腔內科吳憲林醫師 |
15:30-15:45 |
Innovation and challenge of the tobacco-free hospital: the experiences of Taiwan Yonghe Cardinal Tien Hospital 國際金獎無菸醫院經驗分享-以永和耕莘醫院為例 |
Dr. Hung-Ling Yu, Director, Division of Community Medicine, Cardinal Tien Hospital Yonghe Branch, Taiwan 永和耕莘醫院社區醫學科洪淩鈺主任 |
15:45-16:05 |
Panel Discussion綜合論壇 |
16:05-16:20 |
Closing Ceremony閉幕典禮 |