Moot Court competition (simulated legal argumentation before hypothetical appellate courts) has long been an educational activity. The Moot Court Competition encourages the development of skills in brief writing and oral advocacy and recognizes those students who excel in developing these skills. The moot court competition parallels what would happen in actual trial. Participants receive a problem ahead of time, which includes the facts of the underlying case, submit a written brief before the oral argument, and plead directly in front of Judges.

In the past years, the ACWH has hosted “2004 Moot Court Competition on WTO Law”, “2005 The Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, Taiwan Regional Round”, and “ELSA Moot Court Competition Asia Regional Round” from 2005 to 2013. ACWH is now hosting the 2014 ELSA Moot Court Competition Asia Regional Round".