2008 International Conference on Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products

Venue: Howard International House Taipei

Meeting Room 103

(1F, No. 30, Sec. 3, Xinsheng South Road, Taipei, Taiwan)

Friday, 1 August 2008

08:30 ~ 09:00


09:00 ~ 09:10

  Opening Ceremony

09:10 ~ 12:30

  Session I: Experiences of Law Enforcement against Illicit Trade

Ø   Chairperson: Ms. Mei-ling Hsiao (Director General of Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, R.O.C.)

Ø   Speakers:

Ÿ  Mr. Celso P. Templo (Deputy Commisioner, Intelligence & Enforcement Group, Bureau of Customs, Philippines)

Ÿ  Dr. David Cowling & Dr. Hao Tang (California Department of Public Health, U.S.A.)

 California’s Cigarette and Tobacco Products Licensing Act, Tax Stamp Law, and Their Impact on Smuggling and Other Tax Evasion Activities


Mr. James Kugyul Bae (Section Chief, Investigation SectionⅢ,  Incheon Main Customs, Korea)

Regional Investigation Collaboration


Mr. Chea Samnang (Custom Officer of Customs and Exercise Department, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Cambodia)

Illicit Trade of Tobacco Products in Cambodia


 ACWH (presented by Mr. Ding Jin)

  Combating against Tobacco Smuggling: Taiwan’s Experience

12:30 ~ 13:30

 Lunch Break

13:30 ~ 15:20

 Session II-a: Regulatory Mechanism and State Obligations

Ø   Chairperson: Professor Tsai-yu Lin (Professor of Soochow University, Taiwan)

Ø   Speakers:

Ÿ  Mr. Luk Joossens (Senior Policy Advisor, FCA, )

Ÿ  Mr. Benn McGrady (Legal Policy Adviser of VicHealth Centre for Tobacco Control, The Cancer Council Victoria, Australia)

  Illicit Trade: Tracking and Tracing of Tobacco Products and the World Trade Organization

15:20 ~ 15:35

 Coffee Break

15:35 ~ 17:30

 Session II-b: Regulatory Mechanism and State Obligations

Ø   Chairperson: Professor Tsai-yu Lin (Professor of Soochow University, Taiwan)

Ø   Speakers:

Ÿ  Professor Pei-kan Yang (Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Financial and Economic Law, Feng Chia University, Taiwan )

  Exploring a Tentative Concept of “Licensed Smoking House”: Can It Be a Pilot Regulatory Scheme towards a More Comprehensive Protection from Exposure to Second-Hand Tobacco Smoke?

Ÿ  Professor Chuan-feng Wu (Assistant Research Fellow, Academia Sinica)

  The Right to Health Dimension of State Responsibility in Tobacco Control

18:30 ~ 20:30

 Dinner Party

Ø   Venue: Yangtse River

 The Howard Plaza Hotel Taipei

 (3F, No. 160, Sec. 3, Ren Ai Road, Taipei, Taiwan)


Saturday, 2 August 2008

08:30 ~ 10:20

 Session III-a: International Cooperation and Trade Aspect of Tobacco Product

Ø   Chairperson: Professor Chang-fa Lo (Professor of National Taiwan University, Taiwan)

Ø   Speakers:

Ÿ  Professor Chang-fa Lo (Professor of National Taiwan University, Taiwan)

Tobacco Companies Assisting Government Agencies in Fighting against Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products: Regulating the Cooperative Relations in the Protocol

Ÿ  Professor Tsai-yu Lin (Professor of Soochow University, Taiwan)

 Exploring a Modest Balance for Trade in Tobacco, Anti-Tobacco Smuggling and Health Consideration: in light of Dominican Republic- Cigarettes Case

10:20 ~ 10:35

Coffee Break

10:35 ~ 12:30

Session III-b: International Cooperation and Trade Aspect of Tobacco Product

Ø   Chairperson: Professor Chang-fa Lo (Professor of National Taiwan University, Taiwan)

Ø   Speakers:

Ÿ  Dr. Yumiko Mochizuki-Kobayashi (Project Leader of Tobacco Control Policy Project at National Cancer Center (NCC) Research Institute, Japan)

  Health over Trade: Tobacco Issues in the World and Japan

Ÿ  Dr. Andrew Mitchell (Senior Lecturer, Melbourne Law School, Australia) & Ms. Sarah Kemeny (video conference)

  Take My Breath Away: Free Trade, Public Health and Tobacco Control