2009 International Conference on FCTC: Control of Demand and Supply of Tobacco and International Trade



Friday-Saturday, 28th -29th August 2009


Howard International House, Room 101

No. 30, Sec. 3, Xinsheng South Road, Taipei, Taiwan



Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health



Asian Center for WTO and International Health Law and Policy

Collage of Law, National Taiwan University



Friday, 28th August 2009



08:30- 8:40

Opening Remarks

Director-General, Mei-ling Hsiao, RPh. MS.(蕭美玲局長)

Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, Taiwan

Professor Chang-fa Lo, (羅昌發教授)

College of Law, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Session I


National Experiences on Tobacco Control


8:40- 12:00

Chairperson: Director-General, Mei-Ling Hsiao, Rph. MS.

1.     Michael Ong (M.D., Ph. D., UCLA, Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center)

The Economics of Tobacco Control in the U.S Tobacco Control Program

2.     Tsai Feng-Jen (Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Public Health, National Taiwan University)(蔡奉真)

The Political Processes behind the Passage of Smoking Ban in Public Place ­–A Comparison of California and Taiwan

3.     Chien-huei Wu (Assistant Professor, National Chung Cheng University College of Law) (吳建輝助理教授)

EU/EC’s Participation in the WHO and FCTC: A Good Case for EU/EC as a Global Actor?

4.     Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy

The Experience of Reducing Tobacco Growing in Taiwan: Government Intervention Failure and its Cure

12:00- 13:00

Lunch Break

Session II


Tobacco Advertisement and Internet Sales


13:00- 15:15

Chairperson: Professor Tsai-yu Lin

5.     Suketaka Iwanaga (Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University)

Tobacco Advertisement and Its Related Issues

6.     Sufian Jusoh (NCCR Research Fellow, The World Trade Institute)

ASEAN Regional Preferential Trade Agreements: Is There Any Negative Implications on the Proposed FCTC Ban on Internet Sale of Tobacco?

7.     Pei-kan Yang (Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Financial and Economic Law, Feng Chia University) (楊培侃助理教授)

Brand Stretching and Brand Sharing: Is a Ban on Indirect Advertising of Tobacco Products in Conformity with Trade Rules under the WTO

15:15- 15:30

Coffee Break

Session III


Tobacco Control and Policies & Rules on Taxes, Trade and Investment


15:30- 17:40

Chairperson: Professor Chang-fa Lo

8.     Chu-wei Tseng (Professor, Department of Public Finance, National Chengchi University)(曾巨威教授)

U.S.rol omics of Tobacco innn 40MS.or GeneralA Study on Tax Burden of Cigarette Taxes and Characteristics of Smoking Families in Taiwan

9.     Tsai-yu Lin (Professor of Law, Department of International Business, Soochow University)(林彩瑜教授)

Aiding Farmers to Shift Away From Tobacco Cultivation and Develop Alternative Crops: Considerations from WTO Rules on Agricultural Subsidies

10.  Chang-fa Lo (Chair and Lifetime Distinguished Professor, NTU College of Law)(羅昌發教授)

Proper Investment Rules as an Effective Control of Tobacco Supply



Saturday, 29th August 2009

Session IV


Other Methods of Controlling Demand and Supply


9:30- 12:00

Chairperson: Professor Chang-fa Lo

11.  Gregg Bloche (Professor of Law; Co-Director, Georgetown-Johns Hopkins Joint Program in Law and Public Health)

Using Law to Take Sides: Tobacco Control and the Struggle within Ourselves

12.  Neil Boister (Professor, School of Law, University of Canterbury)

The Suppression of the Illicit Trade in Tobacco through International Law: Current Developments

13.  Fong-ching Chang (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Health Promotion and Health Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan)(張鳳琴助理教授)

Impact of Smoke-free Ordinance and Graphic Cigarette Warning Labels in Taiwan

12:00- 12:10

Concluding Remarks