Asian Task Force:  Battling Organ Trafficking Across Borders in Asia

First Meeting Agenda

21-22 July 2007, Taipei

Venue: Medical Humanity Building

National Taiwan University College of Medicine

No.1 Sect. 1 Jen-Ai Road, Taipei, 100, Taiwan

Center for Ethics, Law, and Society in Biomedicine & Technology, National Taiwan University

Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy, College of Law, National Taiwan University

Center for Science, Technology and Human Values, National Chengchi University

Saturday July 21


Welcome & Coffee

9:30- 9:45

Opening Remarks

Prof. Chang-Fa Lo

—    Director, Center for Ethics, Law, and Society in Biomedicine & Technology, National Taiwan University

—    Director, Asian Center for WTO and Intentional Health Law and Policy, National Taiwan University College of Law

9:45- 10:00

Asian Task Force on Battling Organ Trafficking: Objectives and Method

Dr. Alireza Bagheri

—    Vice-president, Asian Bioethics Association

—    Clinical Ethics Fellow, Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto, Canada, and Iran

10:00- 12:00

Global Situation of Organs Trafficking

Prof. Nancy Scheper-Hughes,

—    Professor of Medical Anthropology

—    Director of Organs Watch; University of California, Berkeley, USA

Watching a documentary: “Transplant Tourism”,

By Nancy Scheper-Hughes and CBC film-maker, David Papery

Organ Trafficking: Situation in Asia.

Prof. Leonardo De Castro

—    Vice-president, UNESCO International Bioethics Committee

—    Professor of Philosophy at University of the Philippines, Philippines.

Traveling Overseas for Organs and the Professional Regulatory Endeavour in Taiwan.

Associate Prof. Daniel Fu-Chang Tsai

—    Deputy Director, Center for Ethics, Law, and Society in Biomedicine & Technology, National Taiwan University.

—    Department of Social Medicine and Department of Family Medicine, National Taiwan University College of Medicine

—    Attending Physician, Department of Medical Research, National Taiwan University Hospital

12:00- 2:00


A Walking Tour at National Taiwan University Hospital

2:00- 4:00    

Governmental Framework in Place to Prevent Organ Trafficking in Iran.

Prof. Bagher Larijani

—    Professor of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology 

—    Chancellor, Teheran University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Kidney Trade in Pakistan: Current Status and Proposed Measures for Control.   

Prof. Farhat Moazam

—    Professor and founding Chairperson of the Center of Biomedical Ethics and Culture (CBEC) in Karachi, Pakistan

—    Distinguished Visiting Fellow of Institute for the Arts and Humanities, Penn State University, USA

Situation in China and the Appropriate Measures to Address the Issue of Organ Trafficking.

Associate Prof. Rui-Peng Lei 

—    Executive Director of Center for Bioethics

—    Deputy Chair of Department of Philosophy Huazhong (Central China) University of Science & Technology, China

The Current Situation and Measures to Tackle the Issue of Organ Trafficking in India.

Dr. Sudhir Gupta

Chief Medical Officer (NCD), Directorate General of Health Services,

Ministry of Health & FW, India.

4:30- 5:00


5:00- 6:00

General Discussion on the Proposed Methodology of the Working Group

6:00- 8:00

Welcome Dinner

Sunday, July 22, 2007



9:00- 11:00

The Moral Responsibility to Ban Organ Trafficking

Prof. Robert Veatch

—    Professor of Medical Ethics, Georgetown University, USA

—    Former Director of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University

Organ Trafficking in a Global Struggle with Kidney Disease: Perspectives from Ethics and Population Health

Prof. Daniel Wikler

—    Professor of Population Ethics and Ethics and Population Health of Department of Population and International Health at Harvard University, USA

How Professional and Organizational Regulations Can Help to Prevent Organ Trafficking

Prof. Francis Delmonico

—    Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School

—    President of The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) Board of Directors;

—    Director of Renal Transplantation at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Medical Director of the New England Organ Bank in Newton, Massachusetts;

—    Chair of Ethics Committee International Transplant Society at Harvard Medical School, USA




Organ Trafficking in Europ.

Prof. Michael A. Bos

—    Senior Scientific Advisor, Health Council of the Netherlands

The Feasibility of a Regional Agreement to Ban Organ Trafficking across Borders.

Prof. Ryuichi Ida

—    Professor of Graduate School of Law at Kyoto University, Japan

—    Former Chairperson of International Bioethics Committee, UNESCO




Closing Session

Working Towards Outlining the Draft Recommendations

 (group discussion)


Wrap-up, Prof. Leonardo De Castro, Philippines

Closing: Setting the Scene for the Next Meeting, Prof. Lo, Taiwan