AJWH Vol. 1.2

Speeches and Short Articles

The “River Blindness” Control Programmes OCP and APOC in Africa: A Critical Review

André Rougemont    [Abstract]  [SSRN]

Government Procurement at GATT/WTO: 25 Years of Plurilateral Framework

Margaret Liang    [SSRN]

Asian Perspective on Government Procurement Matters

Manickam Supperamaniam    [SSRN]

Major WTO Dispute Cases Concerning Government Procurement

Mitsuo Matsushita    [Abstract]  [SSRN]


The WTO Agreement on Government Procurement and the UNCITRAL Model Procurement Law: A View from Outside the Region

John Linarelli    [Abstract]  [SSRN]

Regional Procurement Arrangements in East Asia: Some Reflections for the WTO Rules

Tsai-Yu Lin    [Abstract]  [SSRN]

Government Procurement: A View from Asia

Locknie Hsu    [Abstract]  [SSRN]

Taiwan’s WTO Membership and Its International Implications

Steve Charnovitz    [Abstract]  [SSRN]

The Incorporation of the CBD Mandate on Access and Benefit-sharing into TRIPS Regime: An Appraisal of the Appeal of Developing Countries with Rich Genetic Resources

Kuei-Jung Ni    [Abstract]  [SSRN]

Dragging Out of or Deeper Into another Impasse of the Political Economy of the World Trade Organization? A Critic of the Findings of the Dispute Settlement Body in European Communities-Conditions for the Granting of Tariff Preferences to Developing Countries

Shun-Yong Yeh    [Abstract]  [SSRN]

A Comparative Perspective on the International Health Regulations and the World Trade Organization’s Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

Huei-Chih Niu    [Abstract]  [SSRN]

International Legal Cooperation to Combat Communicable Diseases:  Increasing Importance of Soft Law Frameworks

Setsuko Aoki    [Abstract]  [SSRN]

Establishing Global Governance in the Implementation of FCTC: Some Reflections on the Current Two-Pillar and One-Roof Framework

Chang-Fa Lo    [Abstract]  [SSRN]