Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal


Statement of Purposes


Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal (CAAJ) is co-published by the Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei (CAA, Taipei), the National Taiwan University Press, and Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy, College of Law, National Taiwan University (ACWH). The CAAJ is to be published semiannually, one in May and the other one in November. It purports to encourage the publication of original papers covering international arbitration issues. The ultimate aims of the CAAJ are to provide profound and constructive perception of the practices directly and/or indirectly related to the contemporary arbitration issues and contribute to the development of these practices. The CAAJ has been indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) since 2018.


CAAJ welcomes submissions from the legal, political, economic and inter-disciplinary perspectives on the issues relevant to international arbitration, which includes commercial arbitration/other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and investment arbitration (contract-based/treaty-based investor-state arbitration). All manuscripts will be subject to the peer-review process and the approvals of the Senior Committee Members and the Committee Members, so as to ensure high standards and quality of the publication. The CAAJ also welcomes the submission of reviews on published books, and notes and student notes. Acceptance of these manuscripts also depends on peer-review and is also subject to the decision of these committees.


The CAAJ presents itself as academic and practicing references for arbitration and/or trade-related scholars, practitioners and policy makers, and hence it welcomes the subscription of readers from the legal, economic, political, policy-making or multi-disciplinary backgrounds.


Speeches, articles, book reviews, notes and students' notes in the CAAJ do not reflect the views of the members of the Editorial Committee of the CAAJ.


Editorial Committee

Senior Committee Members

Committee Members

Michael Polkinghorne

Kuan-Ling Shen

Nigel N.T. Li

Pei-Kan Yang

Stephan Wilske

Julien Chaisse

Chang-fa Lo

Joshua Karton

Tsai-Yu Lin

Helena Chen


Winnie (Jo-Mei) Ma

 Alex Yueh-ping Yang


Janice Lee


Review Process


All manuscripts will subject to the review process of the Senior Committee Members and the Committee Members, so as to ensure high standards and quality of the materials.


In the first stage, there is a peer review system, in which the reviewer will deliver the comment and recommendation regarding whether the submitted paper is suitable to be published. The CAAJ also welcomes the submission of reviews on published books, and notes and student notes. Acceptance of these manuscripts is also subject to the decision of these committees. The Committee Members are composed of international trade and/or health experts and each manuscript is randomly distributed to two of these reviewers. By following, the final acceptance of the submitted manuscripts is subject to the decision of the Senior Committee Members which is composed of five distinguished scholars and/or experts. The whole procedure is estimated about 4-8 weeks after receiving your submission.


The CAAJ will not guarantee publication in a particular issue. Manuscripts that are accepted for publication will be placed in the inventory and be published at the earliest possible issue. Relevance to the current issue is also taken into consideration. Once a manuscript is accepted for publication in the CAAJ, publication of the same manuscript or any part of it elsewhere must obtain the consent from the Editorial Committee.


Subscription Information


Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal (CAAJ) is co-published by the Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei (CAA, Taipei), the National Taiwan University Press, and Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy, College of Law, National Taiwan University (ACWH).


The CAAJ publishes two issues each year. The subscription rate per year, including postage is as follows:


Taiwan NT$ 1500

Europe, USA & Canada US$ 60

Asia & Oceania US$ 55


Orders for subscriptions should be addressed to:


The Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei (CAA, Taipei)

14F.,No.376, Sec.4, Jen-Ai Rd., Taipei City 106,Taiwan

Tel:(886-2) 2707-8672

Fax:(886-2) 2707-8462

Website: http://




Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy, College of Law, National Taiwan University (ACWH)


No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd. Taipei 106, Taiwan

Tel:(886-2)3366-3366, ext. 55234




The CAAJ does not provide individual article reprints.


Submission Policy


1. Members of the Editorial Board determine the submission policy of the CAAJ.
2. The legal citation must be based on the latest edition of the Bluebook, i.e. Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (Columbia Law Review Ass’n et al. eds., 21st ed. 2020).
3. The total number of words in the content of an article for submission should be between 5,000 to 15,000 words (Maximum).
4. Book reviews should be as concise as possible, with a clear presentation of the subject matter. They should range in length from 500 to 1,500 words. It is advisable to provide advanced notice of intention to undertake a review.
5. Notes and Students’ Notes should be concise. They should range in length from 3,000 to 5,000 words.
6. Authors who submit articles to the CAAJ must provide abstracts and keywords. An abstract should not be more than one page.
7. Authors who submit manuscripts to the CAAJ must provide full reference.
8. The submission of the manuscripts must be submitted in the electronic files (preferably Microsoft Word files), and be written at font size 12, single-spaced. The title of a manuscript should be attached in the same file.
9. Authors must submit their names, names of co-authors (if it is appropriate), titles of papers, phones, faxes, email addresses, address to which correspondence should be sent, their present positions, short biographies and acknowledgements in the separate electronic file (preferably Microsoft Word files). Short biographies should not exceed 100 words.
10. We suggest authors to avoid Latin words in their manuscripts as not all readers understand Latin.
11. We do not accept manuscripts simultaneously submitted to another journal.


The CAAJ welcomes submissions of manuscripts throughout the year. Authors to those manuscripts must email them as attachment to and Alternatively, they may save the manuscripts on discs and mail them to the following address:


Editorial Board

Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal

Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy, College of Law, National Taiwan University

No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd. Taipei 106, Taiwan


Manuscripts that are submitted for the purpose of the CAAJ will not be returned to the authors. All manuscripts are subject to anonymous review(s) and approvals by the Senior Committee Members and the Committee Members. We will notify the authors of the results of the review of their manuscripts, and to work closely with authors of the accepted papers to achieve the high quality of the publication.