AJWH Vol. 16.1


The 2005 International Health Regulations: Taiwan, Compliance and the Exclusion Paradox
Tsung-ling Lee [Abstract] [SSRN]

The Global Scramble for PPE amid COVID-19: Lessons from the EU Export Restrictions and Import Facilitation Through Regulatory Cooperation on PPE
Jiangyuan Fu & Joseph McMahon [Abstract] [SSRN]

Localization of Taiwan Offshore Wind Industry and Onward: Critiques and Recommendations for Its Policy Design Through the Lens of WTO Law
Hai-Ning (Helen) Huang [Abstract] [SSRN]

Missing Reservation Lists in China’s International Investment Agreements
Tae Jung Park [Abstract] [SSRN]

China’s Implementation of Its “One Belt One Road” Initiative: Legal Challenges and Regulation by Law
Yanning Yu [Abstract] [SSRN]